Nextiny | Inbound Marketing & Sales Blog | Sarasota, Florida

The Next Step for Digital Marketers: A HubSpot Inbound Certification

Written by Kara Inglis | February 2, 2016

One of the things we pride ourselves on most at Nextiny is our partnership with the inbound marketing geniuses: HubSpot. Through our dedication to inbound marketing, we formed our partnership with HubSpot as a HubSpot Agency Partner. Through our extensive work as inbound marketers, we have reached the status of Gold-Level Partners with HubSpot. One of the biggest steps toward reaching this milestone is the adoption of the HubSpot methodologies for inbound marketing and inbound sales by our staff. As the most recent member of the Nextiny team, I have just recently become HubSpot Inbound Certified (yay!).

Related Blog: How Long Will it Take to See Results From Inbound Marketing

As technology continues to advance and society continues to adapt, things become more digital each and every day. Because of this, industries are changing and are having to discover new ways to keep up with and attract their ideal customers. While this may still be a learning curve for most industries, fortunately for us marketers, there is already a viable and effective solution. This solution is HubSpot’s Inbound Marketing Certification.

As many of you may not have, I had not heard of HubSpot or their certification before I started working for Nextiny. I knew that digital marketing had become a large part of the marketing puzzle, but I had no idea that in the process of this transition a company had so wisely developed an entire methodology on how to effectively carry out this process!

Why HubSpot you may ask? Great question!

1. HubSpot is a great resource.

If the wheel has already been invented, then why would you want to use a lot of time and resources trying to reinvent it? Answer: you probably don’t! HubSpot is a great tool for marketers to use in order to better understand the new practices necessary to attract customers. Outside of the certification itself, HubSpot has countless blog posts, case studies, and other information available on their website for you to download.

2. HubSpot is not just for traditional marketers.

While some people may think of marketing in a narrow focus as it applies to traditional marketing agencies, the reality is that most businesses need marketing. HubSpot is able to recognize this fact and has been able to help businesses of all shapes and sizes across numerous industries. Their training videos for the certification are engaging and informative, so in the end anyone can fully understand what it takes to apply inbound marketing to their business.

3. HubSpot’s Inbound Certification is FREE!

While forming a professional partnership with HubSpot is not free, their certifications and other web content are free and available to all visitors! For us, this makes HubSpot a no brainer. After completing the HubSpot Inbound Certification, you are given a digital certificate as evidence of your hard work. This certificate is something you can print out to hang in your office and advertise on your company’s website, letting visitors know that you are more than knowledgeable when it comes to the ways of inbound marketing, you are certified!

Are you ready to become HubSpot Inbound Marketing Certified?