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25 Tweetable Marketing & Sales Quotes & Takeaways from Inbound 2015

Written by Gabriel Marguglio | December 8, 2015

More than 14,000 business experts came together last month for the biggest marketing & sales event/party in the world, #INBOUND15. Inbound 2015 had great keynote speakers including Seth Godin, Brené Brown and Daniel Pink. There were also hundreds of training sessions, networking opportunities and a lot of fun including Club Inbound, a rock and roll concert and awesome comedians. One thing we can’t deny is that there was something for everybody at Inbound.

I personally went to 8 keynotes, 3 sessions about helping our agency grow, 6 sessions about helping our customers grow and improving our own processes and 4 events. It was A LOT of information, but one thing for sure is that I got something out of every single one of the speakers. Thanks HubSpot for putting together such an amazing event. 

Related Article: Lessons from #INBOUND15: Six Inbound Sales Tips

Below you will find 25 tweetable quotes and takeaways of everything that I learned about marketing and sales at #INBOUND15. 

SETH GODIN | @ThisIsSethsBlog

“The story you’re telling yourself about why you can’t do it or why you’re not good enough is all invented.” @ThisIsSethsBlog

"I'm not sure what the question is, but the answer is always YES" @ThisIsSethsBlog

BRENÉ BROWN | @BreneBrown

“We are feeling beings that occasionally think. Be more vulnerable!” @BreneBrown

“Are you willing to choose courage over comfort? There is nothing comfortable about being brave.” @BreneBrown

The Changing Face of SEO in 2015
BILL KING | HubSpot | @inboundy

"SEO is not just #SEO anymore. Content Marketing + SEO works!" #inboundmarketing by @inboundy

"Get #keyword suggestions from the @HubSpot keyword tool by putting in your competitors’ URLs instead." #SEO @inboundy

"When creating content, remember you need to cater to 3 parties: the searcher, the marketer & the search engine." #SEO by @inboundy

“92% of website traffic comes from old stuff. Remember #SEO takes time” @inboundy

“The keyword is losing #SEO influence. Become the best resource for a specific topic and you’ll come up on the first page of Google.” @inboundy

"Are you looking for qualified traffic or to be number 1 on Google? Is your #seo goal ego based?" @inboundy


DHARMESH SHAH | @dharmesh

Can an ad be Inbound-y? YES! When done correctly, ads can help leads move through the buyer's journey. Now @HubSpot supports ads @dharmesh

The @LeadinApp allows you to convert visits into leads for FREE. Love for everyone, Inbound for EVERYONE!

How to get inbound marketing buy-in and participation from your entire organization

"Inbound is being the best teachers in the world." Keep helping, keep educating @TheSalesLion

Writers, actors, talkers and questionnaires. Identify the type of people responsible for creating #content & find ways to get it. @TheSalesLion 

Inbound is about SALES. @HubSpot is a SALES tool. Marketing is just part of the process. @TheSalesLion

Scale to win: How to grow your agency without breaking
KARL SAKAS | @KarlSakas

Key decision for agency owners: Are you running a High-Growth or Lifestyle marketing agency? Decide now! @KarlSakas

How to grow the hell out of your agency
MIKE LIEBERMAN | Square 2 Marketing | @Mike2Marketing

"If you are not REMARKABLE you are INVISIBLE" by @Mike2Marketing from @Square2 Marketing

"Hire a new employee, fire your worst customer & pulse lead engagement more often" #HUBPARTNER @Mike2Marketing


Growth Driven Design: A Website Retainer Model That Will Transform Your Agency
LUKE SUMMERFIELD | HubSpot | @SavvyLuke

Constantly research, test and learn from your visitors & leads. That improves marketing strategies and tactics. #GrowthDrivenDesign

Beyond Email: Why Your Most Valuable Community is on Twitter
ANNE MERCOGLIANO | Twitter | @akmercog

Don't stress about @twitter verification. Focus on tweeting relevant content, regularly, to show people you're a legitimate business.

Good content VS. good enough content
ANN HANDLEY | MarketingProfs | @MarketingProfs

Create bolder, bigger and braver content! Find 3 words that describe your voice. #fuzzy should not be one of them by @MarketingProfs

Optimizing the past - How to get more traffic & leads from “old” blog content.
PAMELA VAUGHAN | HubSpot | @pamelump

76% views & 92% leads coming every month from OLD blogs! Optimize old content! @pamelump

Optimize old blogs that convert with #SEO on a specific keyword. Optimize the ones that get traffic for #conversion by changing offers and CTAs @pamelump


DANIEL PINK | @danielpink

The new ABCs of #InboundSales: Attunement, Buoyancy and Clarity. A shift from the skill of problem solving to the skill of problem finding @danielpink

Buyers are in control. Seller beware! #inboundsales @danielpink

If after reading these you feel there’s a lot to do and you don’t know where to start, I recommend doing what we did after coming back from Inbound. Pick 3 things you need/want to do by the end of the year, put them on the calendar and get them done. Then when you’re done with those 3, come back to this and look for the next one. Happy HubSpotting and see you next year at #INBOUND16

So, did you go to #INBOUND15? Who was your favorite speaker?
Let us know in the comments!