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Facebook Launches Call-to-Action Buttons on Business Pages

Written by Gabriel Marguglio | January 8, 2015

As you probably already know, a call-to-action is a significantly important piece of the marketing puzzle. Blog posts and other web content posted by a business needs to conclude with a specific direction regarding next steps. As the author of your text, you know exactly what you'd like your consumers to do next, but keep in mind, your audience will often require a little bit of hand-holding to get on the same page and complete the action that you're desiring.

Related Blog: Strategies to Streamline Your Facebook Engagement

Up until now, a company's call-to-action was often found at the bottom of a blog post, instructing the reader to share his or her thoughts in the section provided or welcoming readers to head over to the business' Facebook page to learn more about the company. Facebook is changing the marketing scene by adding call-to-action buttons within companies' Facebook pages.

Although this feature isn't live just yet, you'll start to see it rolling out gradually over the next few months. Located in a fixed place, just to the left of the 'like' button, the new call-to-action feature is intended to increase results and drive visitors' eyes over to the company's website or aid with other specific actions. The social media giant has created the following seven pre-made actionable options:

  • Book Now
  • Contact US
  • Use App
  • Play Game
  • Shop Now
  • Sign Up
  • Watch Video

Each pre-made call-to-action item targets specific consumer behavior, intentionally making it easier for visitors to follow through with optimal endeavors. Dollar Shave Club's Facebook page gives you the opportunity to witness this new item in action, as the company was given beta access to the invention just a few weeks ago. Within three weeks of implementing the new call-to-action button, the company reported a significant increase in conversions and new customer acquisition rates.

This is big news for small and big businesses alike. Keep in mind, however, that the placement of the button can make getting your point across a bit tricky if your cover photo isn't conducive to your cause. You'll want to take care to choose colors and designs in your cover photo that compliment the existence of the new call-to-action button, rather than distracting your readers' eyes to other places on your page. Particularly until word gets out about this new feature and audiences get used to the idea of it, your cover photo should allow the button to be clearly displayed so it shines and sparkles in all of its marketing glory.

This innovative new feature isn't going to be a global roll-out. Rather, business pages will see the button pop up over time. If you don't have access to this awesome tool just yet, check back shortly. Facebook is introducing the call-to-action button to the United States market at first, doling it out in sections until it reaches from coast to coast. The rest of the world will begin to see this option after its implementation has successfully been distributed across the US market.