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How Important Is It To Have A Mobile Friendly And Responsive Website?

Written by Gabriel Marguglio | December 5, 2013

Internet access through mobile devices is growing fast. According to statistics from comScore, the numbers of US users who visit websites via mobile devices has increased to more than 58%. As a result, mobile website design is necessary to reach customers using mobile devices. These sites are made to be responsive.

Responsive website design refers to a website’s ability to scale to the size of the display device used to view it. This leads to good user experience since the user will not have to scroll up and down to view the content.

Online User Intent

When online, users on different platforms have different intents. While you can impress visitors viewing your website on desktops with great slide-shows and graphics, this cannot be done for users on mobile devices. PC users have the time explore your site but may not be interested purchasing at that time. On the other hand, mobile device users are most likely interested in buying immediately and/or finding the location of the store as opposed to viewing your photo gallery.

Improved User Experience

A mobile website is designed putting into consideration the limited processing capability of a mobile device. The website is a lighter version of the traditional website viewed on a PC, loads faster and uses web technologies compatible with mobile devices. The sites do not have heavy graphics nor use scripting languages that cannot be easily interpreted by mobile devices browsers. Responsive web design (RWD) makes sure the site is effectively works on the device a user is accessing it from. Related to RWD is Audience and Device Aware (ADA) concept, which delivers websites on mobile and smaller screen devices by primarily focusing on the elements that impact the performance and usability of a site. These two technologies enable website images and text to be resized to fit the device a person is using.

Social Media Sharing

Social media cannot be ignored in today’s Internet business. It is important for businesses to have responsive websites to make their content shareable on social media sites like Facebook and Twitter. Sharing your content on social media can enhance your brand, drive traffic to your website and generate more sales. To achieve this, you need a responsive website that will offer visitors a good experience.

Responsive website design is the future. With more people accessing the Internet through smartphones, you need a responsive website to enable easy access.

Need help with creating a Responsive Website Design?