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How Manufacturers Can Provide More Leads for Their Sales Team

Written by Gabriel Marguglio | January 20, 2016

Having an Inbound marketing strategy has become the focus of many small to medium businesses since it reaches a target market without spending a fortune. Manufacturers can help sales teams accelerate lead generation by paying attention to the following inbound marketing techniques.

Related Blog: How Inbound Marketing Can Support Your Sales Team

Attracting New Customers

Online leads can be generated in multiple ways, but it usually requires crafting content that consumers already search for. Well-written blogs are arguably the best way to create and promote content. Actively adding unique, relevant, and quality content to your website’s blog on a regular basis will not only impress your readers, but it will also help your Google ranking. The more often you create quality content, the more the search engines will index your content, and the more reliable your name will become. By including relevant keywords in the title and throughout your blogs, they will be more easily accessible to potential customers searching for a product or solution that your company provides.

The More Product Information, the Better

Product information is golden when it comes to online marketing. The more facts you can share about any given product, the more word of mouth buzz you will potentially create. It will also help your team create as many quality web pages as possible, which is essential for search engine optimization. Every web page that is built on relevant keywords becomes a page that may get high search rank visibility.

Provide Interactive Content for Consumers

Capturing leads comes from opening up the floodgates of interactive web presence. It can be accomplished through email, social media, forms or other methods of communication. Providing a Q&A sheet that results in a call to action is an effective technique for lead generation.

Keep forms brief so that consumers do not feel they've been asked to do a lot of homework. Open ended questions allow them to ask about solutions you may not offer. Build lists through electronic communication, prioritizing the warmest leads and nurturing the rest for the future.

Building Lead Lists

Manufacturers increase the odds of more productive lead generation by providing sales teams with lead lists, which come from both previous customers and prospects who have inquired about products. Many times these leads can be rated as warm or high quality, which speeds up the sales process. Lead lists should be sent to marketing managers, who then divide and delegate leads to sales agents, who follow up with a personalized approach.

For more tips on how to get more leads, contact us at Nextiny Marketing for one-on-one help.