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Soapbox Weekly Hacks: HubSpot Tracking URL Builder

Written by Kara Inglis | August 18, 2017
One of the most beloved features of HubSpot’s marketing platform is the ability to track all of your marketing efforts. Sometimes, there is even a need to get a little more specific with your tracking. This is where the HubSpot Tracking URL Builder comes in handy.

This feature allows you to build a custom tracking URL and associate it to a HubSpot campaign and a source. The best part? These sources include things like Instagram and other popular platforms that HubSpot does not have an integration with (fingers crossed for future integrations though, right?).

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You can also create custom URLs for specific campaign materials. For example, even though I use the Ads Add On to manage all of my Facebook Ads, I like to create a custom URL through the URL Tracking Builder and tie it to the source paid social to insure everything is accurately tracked through these efforts.

Create your first tracking URL through HubSpot to get even more specific, tracked data!