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Gabriel Marguglio February 3, 2020 1 min read

Soapbox Weekly Hacks: How to Use Soapbox

We are excited to announce our newest weekly video series, "Soapbox Weekly Hacks". In our first video our CEO Gabriel Marguglio will be introducing Soapbox, how to set it up, and how we use it for our videos. 


Soapbox is great for video marketing, video testimonials, video tutorials and sales videos.

What is Soapbox?

Soapbox is a Wistia free Google Chrome extension that allows you to record, edit, and share professional looking videos all in one easy to use interface. You can record your computer screen at the same time you record yourself, so this tool is great for educational videos, sales engagement and video marketing.


How to use Soapbox?
soapbox editor

  1. Install the Chrome extension
  2. Get ready to be recorded: Go to a quiet place and set up your computer to have the webcam at eye level (use books if you need help to raise it)
  3. Prepare what you want to show on the screen
  4. Click on the camera button (Screen Shot 2017-07-30 at 1.11.52 PM.png) on the top right corner of your browser
  5. Sign in with your Google account
  6. Make sure you look good
  7. Click "Start Recording"
  8. When you finish recording click on the red circle (in place of the camera button)
  9. You can now edit your video by cropping at the beginning or the end and selecting when you want to show the camera, the screen or both.
  10. Take a picture as a Thumbnail, select a color and choose a call to action
  11. Click Share to copy the link to the video or a thumbnail with a link to past on emails

Play the video to learn how to use Soapbox by Wistia


Related article: Want Your Business to Grow? HubSpot Is not Enough Anymore. Try the Ecosystem.

Learn more about Soapbox by Wistia:

Soapbox - A webcam and screen recorder for Chrome 

Watch other Soapbox Weekly Hacks here:

How To Make Your Images not Blurry Inside HubSpot

How to Create a HubSpot Lead Flow

How To Create an Email Sequence in HubSpot Sales

How to Aggregate Multiple HubSpot Reports with Databox

How To Change Your HubSpot Navigation Menu

How to Create Trackable HubSpot URLs

Understanding Wistia Data

How to Upload Soapbox Videos to Wistia

 Introducing Topic Clusters and HubSpot's Strategy Feature 

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