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Tips for Marketing Managers: Convincing Your Boss to Spend More on Marketing

Written by Gabriel Marguglio | February 17, 2015

As a professional, you’re well aware of how powerful inbound marketing is in our rapidly evolving business world. Gone are the days where traditional marketing is effective enough to draw the masses, and in our new world of empowered consumers we have to be ready to provide what they are looking for.

Related Blog: Tips for Marketing Managers: How to Prove ROI

Unfortunately for you, sometimes the man in charge of making decisions is somewhat less inclined to take your word for it and start throwing money into something they may be unfamiliar with. This article is geared toward helping you formulate a strong and effective argument in hopes of illuminating your boss on some of the basics. So lets take a minute or two to elucidate you on some effective strategies in being a little more convincing:

Give Them Something Concrete

Good bosses don’t make decisions based on a whim, and they certainly don’t make decisions in matters they know nothing about. You can take as many pains as you want explaining how expanding an inbound marketing campaign will improve business and make boatloads of money for the company. But at the end of that, what have you actually told them? Nothing concrete. Give them numbers, give them facts:

   •Studies performed by HubSpot have proven that inbound marketing costs 62% less per lead than traditional marketing
   •Ads don’t last forever. Thanks to search engines, good content can bring in consumers for years.
   •Companies that utilize blogging get 97% more inbound links, 55% more website visitors, and 434% more indexed pages.
   •82% of marketers that blog daily can trace increases in consumer activity from their blogs.

Does your boss know that 46% of all search engine usage is geared toward finding products? Do they know there are more than three billion searches performed online daily? Maybe if they did, they might be a little more inclined to listen. Nothing sways business decisions like cold, hard facts.

Give Them Some “Big Boy” Quotes

The business world is huge, and there are some big names at the head of the pack. You’re well aware that this method is effective, and plenty of bigwigs agree. Forbes, and Procter and Gamble have your back. Find some powerful and effective quotes to back up your statements, letting your boss know that successful businesses are utilizing this strategy. And more importantly, that it’s working.

Don’t Forget The Dollars

Compared to most other options, content marketing is superior from a cost perspective. You’re essentially trading fiscal cost for time cost, and what’s cheaper than taking a little bit more time to achieve greater results? They’ll find funding a new strategy a much easier pill to swallow if they’re aware it will save, and ultimately make, them more money in the long run.

Focus on Consumers

In 2015 consumers are stronger than they have ever been, and none of them want the intrusive advertising that traditional methods provide. Has your boss heard of Adblocker? Consumers go out of their way to feel less inconvenienced, and inbound marketing is geared toward drawing consumers in, not repulsing them.

Inbound marketing pulls in extra, unfound consumers. It generates sales more effectively and efficiently. It makes you money. There are tons of angles to take here, one for each and every concern your boss may voice. When formulating an argument, simply keep the things we've discussed in mind and be sure to bring in the facts.