Nextiny | Inbound Marketing & Sales Blog | Sarasota, Florida

Why To Use The HubSpot CMS for your Website

Written by Gabriel Marguglio | September 2, 2014

The HubSpot CMS - is one of the most powerful marketing tools to be created in recent years. However, many people don't realize how many features this system has, so they fail to use it to its full potential. Here are some of the lesser-known aspects of the system and what they mean for you.

Instant Mobile Previews:

One of the most valuable features of the HubSpot CMS is its instant preview of how content will appear on mobile devices - allowing businesses to optimize the content for all environments before it ever goes live. HubSpot is happy to provide blog templates that are optimized for mobile devices, but every serious marketer knows that templates are limited tools at best - they're simply not appropriate for every single situation your company will face, and the content you create may not always be designed for use with that template. Instant previews allow you to be absolutely sure that what you publish will still look nice.

Design Flexibility:

Design is a major factor in all forms of inbound marketing - which can be a problem for companies who find themselves tailoring their content to fit their designs, even if it means sacrificing important sections of that content. This is neither helpful nor convenient for a modern business, and there is no good reason to sacrifice on either side. With the HubSpot CMS, you don't have to.

Automatic Posting:

This is one of the most valuable tools in your arsenal of marketing techniques. Quite frankly, a steady stream of content is necessary in order to improve your position in search engines, attract new subscribers, and generally function well as a company... but real life problems do happen. The HubSpot CMS allows for fully automated publishing, complete with the ability to send emails based on various subscription options and the ability to choose your featured image across a variety of channels. Publish to every location you want from one place - and if you're going to be too busy, just load things in ahead of time and let the system manage it for you.

Rapid Response System:

The HubSpot CMS is a faster, more responsive system than a traditional CMS - even when dealing with customized landing pages that adjust themselves to individual users. The modern market has an emphasis on immediate gratification, which means that websites who can't load quickly will soon be abandoned. Your entire system needs to be responsive enough to match their needs, and that functionality was included from the very beginning. It's easy to forget about what users experience when you look at things from the design end - but if you truly want to succeed, then you should take everything into account.

Feature Requests:

You might be surprised at how many companies fail to make use of HubSpot's willingness to listen to requests. They understand that the challenges you face can't always be solved by a one-size fits all approach - this is one of the main drives behind the adaptability of the HubSpot CMS, and it's taken into consideration for everything they do. Now, there are many intelligent, talented people working at HubSpot... but they don't know everything.

If you have a great idea for a feature - whether it's a new template, a new way to analyze information, or anything else that can help your business - you can talk to HubSpot about it and see if they'll be willing to make it. You may need to do some independent research and create an in-depth explanation, but the return on your investment will make this more than worthwhile.

Nextiny Marketing is a Hubspot Certified, 12 year old Inbound Marketing Agency that collaborates with our customers to help set and achieve their goals. SEO friendly Websites, Search Engine Optimization, Keyword Research, Social Media Marketing and E-mail Marketing are all tools that we use to help you achieve your marketing, website, and sales goals.