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Lead Generation Strategies for Manufacturing Companies

Written by Gabriel Marguglio | March 29, 2016

While a manufacturing company might not see any success with posting to Pinterest, there are a great number of other online outlets that can drive website traffic and increase leads. As the world increasingly goes digital, it's just as important for a manufacturing company to have a strong online presence as it is for any other area of business. That's because having a strong online presence helps your brand development, showcases your products, and offers an efficient way to drive guests to your website to generate leads.

Related Blog: How Manufacturing Companies Use Online Marketing to Get More Customers

To optimize the impact of your online marketing, consider the following lead generation strategies:

Use your most frequently asked questions as a foundation for a blog series.

Sit down with your sales team and administration to sketch out what the most common questions prospective clients ask during phone calls and sales pitches. Then, craft detailed blog posts and articles that answer these questions in a web-friendly way.

Blogging relevant, useful and interesting content can drastically increase visibility and engagement

Collect information into an easy, downloadable guide.

One of the most tried and true lead generation strategies is the exchanging of valuable product and service information for client contact information. Put together a concise guide or white paper about specific manufacturing processes or products and offer this as a free download with the caveat of collecting potential customers' emails or phone contact information.

Keep in regular contact with prospective clients.

Once you have a prospective client's contact information, the last thing you want to do is keep it stagnant on a spreadsheet. Use the aforementioned lead generation strategies to collect subscribers and contacts and then draft a series of emails that are informative and engaging. For example, consider sending out weekly or bi-monthly email newsletters about new materials or products within your specific industry. Better yet, create workflows that automatically do these things for you. Offer special discounts when feasible and always make it easy for readers to directly contact you.

Lead generation is the process of creating and capturing interest in your products and services with the end-goal of developing your sales pipeline. Such leads used to have to be hard won with traditional advertising and even door-to-door knocking. In today's Internet-savvy world, with a few great photographs and some well written content, you can quickly capture your audience's attention, boost your search engine visibility, and turn potential leads into paying clients.

To learn more about incorporating good design, strong online presence, and lead generation strategies into your marketing campaign, download the guide below.