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Gabriel Marguglio December 12, 2023 10 min read

5 Reasons to Increase Video Content in 2024 with The Rise of AI-Generated Content

reasons to increase video with ai-generated content

As we step into 2024, it's impossible to overlook the profound AI transformation that swept through the previous year. In 2023, ChatGPT emerged not just as a tool, but as a phenomenon, reshaping industries, enhancing creativity, and altering the digital landscape. This seismic shift is particularly palpable in the realm of content creation, where AI-generated content has revolutionized how we conceive and consume information. As you delve into the insights in this article, you'll explore how this transformation is particularly influential in the surge of video content. The blog discusses five compelling reasons to embrace video in the wake of AI's growth, reflecting on a year that can be rightfully dubbed as 'The Year of ChatGPT'. Join us on this journey to understand how 2023's AI revolution is setting the stage for an even more innovative future.

Related Blog: HubSpot AI: The Future of Marketing, Sales, and Customer Service is Here! (INBOUND23) 


Let’s take a look at five reasons why you should create more videos in 2024.

  1. AI-Generated Written Content is Not Personal
  2. Video Enhances All Your Efforts and Improves ROI
  3. Video Can Help You Get The Most Out of Your In-Person Events
  4. Video Fuels Your Content Marketing Strategy
  5. Video Increases Brand Affinity



1. AI-Generated Written Content is Not Personal and Lacks the Human Touch of Video Content

In recent years, advancements in artificial intelligence technology have allowed for the easy creation of text, from simple social media posts to full-length articles. However, as the use of AI-generated text becomes more prevalent, the importance of video has never been greater. Here are a few reasons why human-generated video has become more vital than ever in a world where AI can create text and video so easily.

Related Blog: How to Use ChatGPT for Website Content, SEO Research, and Blog Drafting [HubSpot Workshop]

Human Connection + Showcasing your Brand:

One of the biggest advantages of video is its ability to create a human connection. While AI-generated text can provide information, it lacks the personal touch and emotional connection that video can provide. Through video, you can showcase the real people behind your brand, and create a sense of trust and authenticity that text alone cannot provide.

Video can be an extremely effective way to showcase your brand and what it stands for. A well-produced video can tell a story that engages the viewer and creates an emotional connection to your brand. With video, you can create a visual representation of your brand that cannot be replicated by AI-generated text.

Better SEO with Human-Generated Video: 

Google and other search engines are increasingly prioritizing video content in their search results. This is because video provides more information and value than text alone. With the right optimization techniques, video can help your website rank higher in search results, increasing visibility and driving more traffic to your website. Learn more about how tools like Wistia can help you rank your videos on Google.

Remember that Google's algorithms are designed to detect and penalize low-quality or artificially generated content, including text and videos. Google’s guidelines state that all content on a website should be original and provide value to users. If Google determines that a blog or a video is generated by AI and does not meet these standards, it may be considered spam and harm the website's SEO efforts.

Enhance Text Content (Blogs, Emails, and Social Posts): 

Video can be used to enhance other types of content, such as blogs, social media posts, and email campaigns. A well-produced video can be repurposed for different channels, giving your audience multiple ways to engage with your brand. In addition, videos can be used to supplement written content, providing a more comprehensive and engaging experience for the viewer.

While AI-generated text may be convenient and easy to produce, video remains a vital tool for connecting with your audience, showcasing your brand, and driving business growth. With the right strategy and tools like HubSpot Videos, Wistia, and Vidyard, you can take advantage of the power of video to stand out in a crowded online landscape.

But What About AI-Generated Videos?

Although AI-generated videos have made some progress, they are still limited in terms of their ability to produce high-quality, authentic-looking content. They often lack the creativity, nuance, and emotional depth that human-created videos can possess. Additionally, AI-generated videos can be easily identified due to their repetitive nature, which can detract from the overall viewing experience.

Related Blog: 5 Key Videos You Need to Make For Your Business

While AI-powered tools like ChatGPT, Descript, and Synthesia can help to generate text or audio content for videos, it's still up to human creativity and technical expertise to produce the final product. For example, ChatGPT can generate script ideas or copy, but a human video editor still needs to take those ideas and bring them to life in an engaging and visually appealing way.

Video script generated with ChatGPT by Open AI

                Video script generated with ChatGPT by Open AI


Related Blog: ChatGPT vs  HubSpot AI


Moreover, the quality of the video content can only be as good as the data that the AI has been trained on. Therefore, there's still a lot of room for improvement in terms of the quality and authenticity of AI-generated videos. As AI technology continues to advance, it's possible that the gap between human-created and AI-generated videos will narrow, but for now, the human element remains an essential part of the video production process.

Click for sound

Using the script we generated in ChatGPT we created this video using Synthesia (AI-generated videos)

Related content: How to Create an AI-Generated Video with ChatGPT, Synthesia, and Descript (by Wistia)

2. Video Enhances All Your Marketing, Sales, and Customer Service Efforts and Improves ROI

Marketers are always looking for ways to improve their ROI and connect with their audience on a deeper level. One of the most effective ways to achieve this is through video. 

Not only will videos increase engagement and conversions, but they also create a more human connection with your leads and clients. People are more likely to trust and connect with a brand when they can see the faces behind the company and the products or services they offer.

Luckily, it's now easier than ever to host, publish, and measure the success of your video marketing efforts with tools like HubSpot Videos, Wistia, and Vidyard. These platforms offer a wide range of features, including analytics, lead generation, and integrations with other marketing tools.

HubSpot Videos, in particular, offers seamless integration with the HubSpot platform, making it easy to track and measure the performance of your videos across all your marketing efforts. It also allows you to create and host videos directly on your website, making it easy for your audience to access them.

According to a study by HubSpot, including a video on a landing page can increase conversion rates by up to 86%. Additionally, using video in email marketing can increase open rates by 19% and click-through rates by 65%. Video can also improve customer engagement and satisfaction, with customers being 1.81 times more likely to purchase a product after watching a product video.

video ideas

video ideas to start with


3. Video Can Help You Promote and Get The Most Out of Your In-Person Events

Another area where video can be particularly effective is in capturing in-person events. As events start to come back in the wake of the pandemic, it’s more important than ever to make the most of these opportunities to connect with your team, partners, and clients.

B-roll footage or supplementary footage is one of the key ways to use video at these in-person events. This could look like a speaker presentation, visuals of all the people at the event, or groups of people talking. This footage can be used to create promotional videos for future events or recap videos for the event itself. This could also be used for employee training materials, partner videos, or customer testimonials.

In addition to capturing footage of the event itself, video can also be used to showcase the human aspect of your company and culture. For example, you can interview your team members to showcase their expertise and authority or capture candid moments of employees interacting with each other and with clients. This type of footage can help to create a more personal and relatable brand image that resonates with your audience.

Another way to utilize video from in-person events is to turn the footage into podcasts or blog content. This can help to repurpose your content and reach a wider audience.

Video Thumbnail

Example of a Client Testimonial Video created at a Live Event. 
More examples on our video gallery here.



4. Video Simplifies and Fuels Your Content Marketing Strategy

Video can be a powerful tool for enhancing your content strategy. Whether you’re looking to increase brand awareness, drive more leads, or simply create more engaging content, video can help achieve those goals. 

A key way that video can help with your content strategy is by providing a more human and personal touch to your content. By using video to showcase your team members, company culture, and products or services, you can create a more relatable and authentic experience for your audience. This can help to build trust and credibility with your audience.

Another way that video can help with your content strategy is by making it more versatile and reusable. For example, you can use video footage from an event to create a video that promotes the next event or use footage from a product launch to create a video that showcases the features and benefits of your product. You can also reuse video content in different formats, such as turning a video into a podcast or using footage from a video to create a blog post.

thumbnail video

Example of a video from one of our online events at the HubSpot CMS for Marketers HUG turned into a Blog and social promotions: What is StoryBrand Website Design? - HubSpot CMS Home Page Optimization


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5. Video Increases Brand Affinity (Time People Spend with Your Brand and How They Feel About It)

 Brand Affinity
As a marketer, one of your main goals is to build a strong relationship with your audience and establish a sense of trust and loyalty. One way to do this is through Brand Affinity Marketing (BAM), which focuses on creating an emotional connection between your brand and your audience. One of the most effective ways to achieve this is through video.


Related Content: Brand Affinity Marketing Guide

Creating consistent video content can enhance the time that people spend on your website and social media and overall with your brand. Video helps users stay engaged which can improve your SEO and build brand awareness. According to Wistia, video is the most effective medium to build brand affinity. When compared to content such as images and text, video was found to have the most emotional connection with the audience. This is because video allows for your brand’s personality, values, and culture to shine in a way that text and images simply can’t.

One of the best ways to use video from brand affinity marketing is to create a series of videos that help showcase the human side of your company. This could include behind-the-scenes footage of your team or customer testimonials. These videos can build a sense of authenticity and transparency.


Co-Founder of SparkToro

Example of a Video Series turned into a podcast and into blog articles: Building and Protecting your Brand while Reducing Dependency on Google and Facebook: Rand Fishkin, Co-Founder of SparkToro.

You could also use video to show your brand as a trusted authority in the industry. This can be accomplished by creating educational and informative videos that showcase your brand’s experience and thought leadership in the way of product demos, industry insights, or tips and tricks.

If you're ready to take your video marketing to the next level in 2024, consider attending HubSpot Academy's Video Bootcamp for Marketing, Sales, and Service. During this boot camp, you'll learn more about how to use video to enhance your marketing, sales, and customer service efforts. Register now and take the first step towards creating more effective, engaging video content for your business.

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