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Gabriel Marguglio October 11, 2023 16 min read

Experience a 7X Increase in Visits, and a 10X Increase in Lead Generation with HubSpot

Experience a 7X Increase in Visits, and a 10X Increase in Lead Generation with HubSpot
7X Visits, 10X Leads with HubSpot's Impact!

B2B / B2C: Nextiny’s Long-Term Clients Experience a 7X Increase in Visits, and a 10X Increase in Lead Generation with HubSpot

Businesses often find themselves navigating the murky waters of online marketing, unsure of which strategies will truly propel them to success. Whether you operate within the realms of Technology, Healthcare, Real Estate, or Luxury Living, every industry holds unique challenges and untapped opportunities. At Nextiny we have honed our expertise over the years, diving deep into both the B2C luxury market as well as a diverse array of B2B sectors, encompassing everything from Fintech to MedTech and Software to Construction.

But it's not just about the industries we cater to; it's about the tailored strategies we employ to ensure businesses thrive in their digital journey. This blog will walk you through our specialization in six pivotal areas: HubSpot website design, HubSpot implementation and optimization, inbound content marketing and SEO, lead generation and conversion optimization strategies, video marketing and sales activities, and the use of AI to empower sales teams to close more deals. So, if your business demands an expert touch in inbound marketing or you're keen on harnessing the vast potential of video marketing, you're in the right place. Dive in and discover how we've been helping brands achieve a 7X spike in visits and an impressive 10X surge in lead generation. Let's unlock your brand's digital potential together!

Table of Contents:


HubSpot CMS Website Design Using the StoryBrand Framework

Having a website isn’t just about establishing an online presence. It’s about conveying your brand story, engaging with your audience, and guiding them seamlessly through their buyer's journey.

Why choose Nextiny for HubSpot CMS website services?

  • Expertise Tailored to HubSpot: Every business is unique, and so should its digital footprint. We create custom websites for businesses exclusively using the HubSpot CMS. By aligning your website with HubSpot’s capabilities, we streamline your marketing automation, making lead capture and nurturing efficient.
  • Revitalizing Outdated Websites: What worked a few years ago might not resonate today. By addressing the pain points of outdated websites, we breathe new life into them, ensuring they are modern, responsive, and aligned with current user and search engine expectations.
  • Conversion-Centric Design: While aesthetics matter, it’s the results that count. We don’t just create visually appealing websites; we design them with a focus on conversion. Every element is optimized to guide visitors towards taking the desired action.
  • Embracing the StoryBrand Framework: Beyond design and functionality, the narrative of your brand plays a pivotal role in engaging visitors. The StoryBrand Framework is a proven methodology that helps brands simplify their message, ensuring it resonates with the audience. By incorporating this framework into our designs, we ensure that your website not only looks good but effectively communicates your brand's core message, establishing a deeper connection with visitors, and increasing conversions over time.

Related article: HubSpot CMS vs WordPress Websites: Which Is Best for Driving SEO, Lead Generation, and Business Growth?

Our clients experience not only a visual transformation but a significant 25-point surge in their website grader scores.


Website Grader growth after new HubSpot websites went live


Ranking and traffic growth after new HubSpot website went live


Related Award Winning Case Study: Six Websites in Six Months with the HubSpot CMS Hub Enterprise

HubSpot CMS Website Design Review:




Gabriel and the Nextiny Marketing team are fantastic partners!
When clients and COI partners rave about your new website, you can't be anything but happy. The professionals at Nextiny took the time to understand our mission, vision, values, and the strategies and tactics we felt would positively differentiate us in the market. We couldn't be happier with how Nextiny brought our vision and hopes to life. The finished product is everything we imagined and more. Nextiny brings a deep skillset to the creative process - from branding, colors, fonts, layout, creative, etc., the finished product speaks for itself. We are very grateful to Gabriel and his team for giving us such a strong foundation to launch our new business. Going forward, I expect Nextiny will be one of our most important strategic partners. If there were six stars, we'd have given them six.

Kent Kopen - Considering Austin (Real Estate Industry)

HubSpot Implementation and Optimization

Using the right tools can make all the difference in your business's success. HubSpot, an all-in-one inbound marketing, sales, and service platform, is a game-changer for businesses when implemented and optimized correctly. Working with us means you don't just get the software; you get the expertise and experience of a HubSpot Platinum Solution Partner with 11+ years implementing HubSpot.

The HubSpot Advantage with Nextiny:

  • Seamless HubSpot Setup: Setting up a comprehensive tool like HubSpot can be daunting. We simplify this process for you. Our team ensures a smooth, pain-free implementation, aligning HubSpot with your business objectives.
  • Maximized Platform Potential: With countless features at its disposal, HubSpot's potential can be overwhelming. We ensure each feature is tailored and optimized to serve your unique business needs. From automating marketing campaigns to setting up sales pipelines, we harness the full power of HubSpot for your advantage.
  • Hands-on HubSpot Training: Knowledge is power. We want your team to feel confident navigating and using HubSpot daily. Through our tailored training sessions, we empower your staff, ensuring they not only understand but master the platform's diverse capabilities.
  • AI-Driven Optimization: The digital world is ever-evolving, with AI leading the charge. By incorporating the latest features within HubSpot AI, we revolutionize how you approach marketing, sales, and customer service. Using the power of ChatGPT for enhanced customer interactions, Seventh Sense for email optimization, or many of the HubSpot AI features to save time and money, we ensure your business stays ahead of the curve, offering unparalleled experiences to your customers.

Related Article: HubSpot AI: The Future of Marketing, Sales, and Customer Service is Here! (INBOUND23)

Nextiny is an agency that drives results for the businesses they partner with, we have: + Shortened our deals cycle by 52% + Increased site traffic by 22% + Seen a 36% increase in marketing email open rates + Seen a 74% increase in deals + Designed, built, tested, and launched a new website in under three months

Cindy Bercaw - FYZICAL Franchise

HubSpot Implementation and Optimization Review:

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Nextiny is Impressive, Strategic, Proficient, Efficient, Driven!
As an end-to-end marketer for an enterprise corporation, I was delighted to find, and partner, with Nextiny for B2B marketing. From the first time I met with the team, I was blown away by their professionalism, process, data-driven decision making, and leadership. What began as a HubSpot management relationship to help during a time of transition, has grown into a full scale marketing partnership to include; video marketing, content development, strategy, sales process refinement and automation, and a [beautiful/functional] new website. The Nextiny team continues to impress with their excellent account management and strategic implementation of the HubSpot platform. Nextiny is truly integrated as a partner into our business and we are better at doing business because of their partnership. This is an agency that drives results for the businesses they partner with, we have: + Shortened our deals cycle by 52% + Increased site traffic by 22% + Seen a 36% increase in marketing email open rates + Seen a 74% increase in deals + Designed, built, tested, and launched a new website in under three months In addition, Nextiny helped us streamline our overall marketing process and sales handoff with an integrated automation strategy so our sales team now speaks with only the most qualified prospects, saving them each over 55 hours per month of calls to unqualified prospects. Their team does a superior job at providing education, tools, support, and resources to manage the process following project completion. Nextiny is the most impressive agency I have had the privilege of working alongside in my marketing career, I overwhelmingly recommend them to any business who is looking for a partner to drive growth, streamline their process, and implement an inbound sales and marketing strategy. Why are you still reading reviews? Just reach out, you'll know they're the one in your first meeting!

Cindy Bercaw - FYZICAL Franchise (Health Industry)

Content Marketing and SEO powered by “They Ask You Answer”

To stand out and captivate your target audience, you need more than just content; you need strategy, relevance, and authenticity. Leveraging the potent "They Ask, You Answer" methodology, we help brands position themselves as thought leaders, answering the very questions their audience seeks.

Strategize and Succeed with Inbound Marketing:

  • Tailored Digital Marketing Blueprint: It's not about casting a wide net; it's about precision. We meticulously craft digital marketing strategies, aligning them with your business goals and target demographics. This focused approach ensures that your content reaches and resonates with the right audience.
  • Embracing "They Ask, You Answer": At the heart of effective content marketing lies relevance. The "They Ask, You Answer" methodology is simple, yet powerful. We delve into what your audience is genuinely curious about, crafting content that answers their queries, addresses their pain points, and positions your brand as the go-to expert. This methodology doesn't just drive traffic; it drives the right traffic, leading to a remarkable 7X surge in monthly visits for our long term clients.
  • Driven by Data, Crafted with Care: While strategy and relevance form the pillars of our approach, data is our compass. Every piece of content, every SEO tactic, is backed by research and robust analytics. We continuously monitor, tweak, and optimize SEO efforts, ensuring your long term growth. With us, you don't just get visibility; you get measurable, tangible results.

Related article: How to Use HubSpot, StoryBrand, and They Ask You Answer for Marketing Success

On average, long term clients witness a 7X boost in their monthly traffic 

Examples of real growth from our long term clients - Monthly visits:

Monthly visitssessionsMonthly visits 2Monthly visits 3


Content and SEO Strategy with HubSpot Review


True professionals who truly deliver what they promise
We signed up with Nextiny in December of 2022 to be our inbound marketing agency and HubSpot partner. We have just completed our first 90 days with the firm and so far they have met or exceeded every expectation. During this 90 days with Nextiny, we migrated our CRM data into HubSpot; we restructured that data from being “contact-centric” to being “company-centric”; we re-engineered our outbound sales process to incorporate HubSpot’s capabilities; we designed, built and migrated an entirely new website; we developed new lead magnet assets such as online quizzes, pricing calculators, white papers, etc. In other words, we laid the foundation for the rest of our inbound sales program as we now shift into executing a TAYA (They Ask You Answer) strategy. Before selecting Nextiny, we evaluated 15-20 other agencies. I feel like we absolutely made the right decision with Nextiny. They have hit every deadline and done exactly what they said they would do. They have a great team and are incredibly professional. You won’t go wrong with this team.

Don Viar - Epion (ITTech Industry)

Lead Generation and Conversion Optimization Strategies with Hubspot

Attracting visitors to your website is only half the battle. The real challenge is converting these visitors into tangible, qualified leads, and subsequently, loyal customers. As HubSpot Platinum Solution Partners, our expertise isn’t confined to merely attracting traffic; we excel at optimizing websites to convert this traffic into actionable leads.

Turn Visitors into Prospects with HubSpot:

  • Lead Generation Mastery: It’s one thing to have a flood of visitors, but without the right strategies, they'll remain just that - visitors. Our team employs proven methodologies, ensuring that your website becomes a lead magnet. We tailor-make lead generation strategies, ensuring that your business draws in not just more, but also the right kind of leads that enhance business growth.
  • Conversion-Centric Techniques: The numbers speak for themselves. With our long term clients experiencing a 10X increase in lead generation, our approach to conversion optimization is evidently effective. We employ cutting-edge techniques, from compelling CTAs to intuitive user journey mapping, ensuring each visitor is smoothly guided towards becoming a lead.
  • Custom Solutions for Budget & Insights: Not all businesses are the same, and neither should be their strategies. Whether you're a startup grappling with a tight marketing budget or an established enterprise seeking enhanced insights into campaign metrics, we have you covered. Our solutions are tailor-made, ensuring that regardless of your specific challenges or needs, your lead generation and conversion rates thrive.

On average, our long term clients witness an impressive 10X surge in their monthly lead generation

Examples of real growth from our long term clients - Monthly Leads:

 Monthly Leadsnew contacts Monthly Leads 2 Monthly Leads 3

Related Case Study: Community Bank Generates New Accounts Using Google Ads and HubSpot


Lead Generation and Conversion Optimization HubSpot Review:


$30 Mil New Business Through Website in First Year

At Sarasota Bay Club we have closed more than $30 Mil in new business through the website documented in HubSpot on the first year of implementing inbound marketing with Nextiny Marketing. Our experience with inbound marketing so far has been excellent on several fronts. We have been working with Nextiny for the past year. First we have seen a significant increase in our overall traffic. More importantly we are converting a much higher percentage of those who view our site in to prospects that actually visit our retirement center and they are using the website as an important element in their personal sales process. This conversion has steadily increased as we have introduced opportunities within the website to collect information, testimonials and blogs. With our HubSpot interface we are able to track our progress on a weekly and monthly basis & evaluate our most successful web strategies. Frank Herold VP of Marketing & Sales Sarasota Bay Club Retirement Community in Venice, Florida.

Frank Herold - Sarasota Bay Club / Freedom Senior Management (Luxury Retirement Industry)

Video Marketing and Sales Activities to Engage with Your Prospects

Video content is more engaging, memorable, and has proven to be a compelling medium to connect with audiences, foster relationships, and drive conversions. Recognizing this, our dedicated in-house video marketing team creates strategies that are geared towards not just using video, but maximizing its potential to drive tangible results for your business.

Elevate Your Online Presence and Close More Deals with Video:

  • Harnessing Video Power: The potency of video cannot be overstated. With our clients experiencing a whopping 3X average increase in customer conversions through video, it's evident that our strategies go beyond just video creation. We delve into video optimization, ensuring each piece of content is positioned to maximize engagement and conversions.
  • Strategic Video Engagement: It’s not enough to simply produce video content; it's the strategic integration of this content within your sales and marketing campaigns that makes all the difference. We employ video at crucial touchpoints, like product showcases and customer testimonials, ensuring every interaction adds value and nudges the viewer closer to conversion.
  • Elevating Brand Presence: Videos, when done right, can amplify your brand's voice, establish authority, and foster trust. Our video strategies are meticulously crafted, taking into account your brand ethos, audience preferences, and industry trends, ensuring that your brand not only resonates but also leaves a lasting impression.


Examples of real growth from our long term clients - Video helping close more clients:

Video helping close more clients:

Clients who regularly produce video, experience a 3X average increase in customer conversions when video is integrated into their buyer’s journey.

buyer's journey


Related article:  Close More Customers with Video and Conversational Marketing (HubSpot Platform)


Video Production and Marketing HubSpot Review:


Independent, thorough, responsive - great partner!

We were completely blown away by the work Nextiny team did for us. What an incredible upgrade to our website! With very little guidance they produced slick, professional and engaging videos with voiceover, animation, and graphics. There are many little details that go into making something awesome and they greatly delivered. We very much appreciate the care and passion Isabella and Bryan put into the work and their responsiveness to our requests. Gabriel’s guidance on putting together the pieces of the inbound marketing puzzle was invaluable. I’d highly recommend the enthusiastic team at Nextiny, and we definitely plan to continue working together.

Yonatan Lee - Insycle -  (SaaS / Technology Industry)

Sales Teams Closing More Deals with HubSpot

The modern sales landscape has evolved, integrating cutting-edge technologies like AI to streamline processes and optimize results. Recognizing the transformative potential of AI, we've dedicated ourselves to harnessing its capabilities to revolutionize sales strategies, giving your sales team the competitive edge they deserve.

Empowering Sales with HubSpot AI:

  • Supercharged Sales Strategies with AI: Gone are the days of sales strategies solely relying on gut instincts and traditional methods. With the integration of HubSpot AI and ChatGPT, we’re able to provide data-driven insights, automate repetitive tasks, and forecast sales trends with unprecedented accuracy. This means your sales team can focus on what they do best - building relationships and closing deals.
  • Navigating the AI-Driven Sales Landscape: The rapidly evolving world of AI can seem daunting. However, with our expertise, we guide businesses through this new terrain, ensuring they harness the full potential of AI. In times where technology is reshaping traditional practices, let's ensure your sales team stays ahead of the curve.

Related Case Study: Retirement Community Case Study: $15 Million in Revenue + 50% of Customers Assisted by Online Efforts


Sales Enablement with HubSpot Review:


A wealth of knowledge
As an emerging startup, our sales team has been craving more and more data to drive success in our funnels, but we lacked the knowledge to properly stand up such infrastructure. Kara and her team have been incredible at understanding what we need, making suggestions to help us get the right looks, and recommending additional layers to capture everything we need to be successful in journey.

Dan Veneski - Tomorrow Health (MedTech Industry)

Your brand's online presence is more than just a necessity; it's a testament to your dedication, innovation, and commitment to serving your audience. With impressive results like a 7X increase in visits and a 10X boost in lead generation for long term clients, our methodologies have consistently proven their worth. Your business deserves to stand out online. With our integrated approach, combining the power of HubSpot, AI-powered technology, the right strategy, and content that resonates, we ensure you not only boost your online presence but also achieve significant ROI. Whether it's outclassing competitors, enhancing customer engagement, or establishing unshakeable brand authority, our dedicated team stands by you, ensuring each step you take online is a leap towards unparalleled success. As we reflect on our shared journey with long-term clients, we invite you to embark on this transformative digital path with us. Let's work together, harness the full potential of online possibilities, and co-author your brand's remarkable digital success story!



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