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Gabriel Marguglio January 29, 2024 9 min read

Boost SEO with 'They Ask You Answer' and HubSpot

Boost SEO with 'They Ask You Answer' and HubSpot
Boost SEO with "They Ask You Answer" and HubSpot

As a business owner, you know that Google is a powerful tool for reaching potential customers. But with so much competition online, it can be difficult to get your website to stand out. The good news is that there's a proven method for improving your online visibility and attracting more customers: it's called the "They Ask You Answer" methodology.


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What is “They Ask You Answer” (TAYA)? 

taya bookDeveloped by Marcus Sheridan, They Ask You Answer is a content marketing strategy that involves answering your customers' questions in an open and honest way. By doing so, you can build trust with your audience and position your business as a helpful and knowledgeable resource in your industry. But the benefits of the methodology don't stop there - answering customer questions can also help improve your search engine rankings and drive more traffic to your website.

At the core of the "They Ask You Answer" philosophy is a simple premise: If a customer has a question, you should answer it. By focusing on answering your customers' questions honestly and transparently, you can help them make better purchase decisions. This means confronting tough questions and being upfront about what people want to know. In doing so, you attract the best-suited buyers and the others will filter themselves out. Your sales team can use these blog articles, videos, website pages, and downloadables as resources to optimize their sales process and increase closing rates.

But They Ask You Answer is more than just another inbound marketing book. It's a proven, transformative system that has saved thousands of organizations worldwide. It's a business improvement methodology that can help you increase sales, and achieve SEO growth by answering your customers' questions.

How the 'They Ask You Answer' Methodology Can Help with SEO Growth

Answering customer questions can help you improve your website's authority and credibility in the eyes of search engines. When you consistently provide helpful and informative content, search engines will recognize your website as a valuable resource for users. This can lead to higher search rankings and more traffic to your website.

Another way the "They Ask You Answer" methodology can help with SEO growth is by providing opportunities for internal linking. When you create content that answers specific questions, you can link to other relevant content on your website. This not only helps your customers find more information, but it also signals to search engines that your website has a strong internal linking structure, which can improve your search rankings.

In addition, answering customer questions can also help you identify and target long-tail keywords. Long-tail keywords are phrases that are more specific and less competitive than broad, general keywords. By focusing on long-tail keywords, you can attract highly targeted traffic to your website and improve your chances of converting those visitors into customers.

Overall, the "They Ask You Answer" methodology is a powerful tool for achieving SEO growth. By answering your customers' questions in an open and honest way, you can create relevant, informative content that improves your search rankings, establishes your website's authority and credibility, and drives more traffic to your website.

The 'They Ask You Answer' Methodology - The 6 Principles

The "They Ask You Answer" methodology is built on six key principles: transparency, honesty, humanity, helpfulness, timeliness, and education. Each principle plays an important role in the success of the methodology, both in terms of answering customer questions and improving SEO.

1. Be Transparent

Being transparent means being open and honest about your business, products, and services. This principle is essential for building trust with your audience and establishing your business as a reliable source of information. By providing clear and honest answers to your customers' questions, you can demonstrate your expertise and establish credibility with both customers and search engines.

2. Be Honest 

Honesty is closely related to transparency, but it goes a step further. Being honest means admitting to your mistakes, acknowledging your limitations, and being truthful even when it's uncomfortable. By being honest in your content, you can build trust and credibility with your audience, which can help improve your search rankings and drive more traffic to your website.


3. Be Human 

Being human means connecting with your audience on a personal level. This principle is all about creating content that is relatable, authentic, and engaging. By speaking directly to your customers and sharing your own experiences, you can build a strong emotional connection with your audience, which can lead to increased customer loyalty.

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4. Be Helpful

Being helpful is at the core of the "They Ask You Answer" methodology. This principle is all about creating content that is genuinely helpful and informative for your customers. By answering their questions and providing valuable insights, you can position your business as a valuable resource for your customers and establish your expertise in your industry. 

5. Be Timely

Being timely means providing answers to your customers' questions when they need them. This principle is especially important for businesses in industries that are rapidly changing or where customers need up-to-date information. By providing timely answers to your customers' questions, you can establish your business as a reliable source of information.

6. Be Educational

Being educational means providing content that is both informative and engaging. This principle is all about creating content that is designed to educate your customers and provide them with valuable insights and information. By providing educational content, you can establish your business as a thought leader in your industry.

Each principle of the "They Ask You Answer" methodology is closely related to answering customer questions and improving SEO. By focusing on transparency, honesty, humanity, helpfulness, timeliness, and education, you can create content that meets the needs of your customers.

TAYA Methodology Success Stories 

There are several companies that have implemented the 'They Ask You Answer' methodology and seen significant SEO growth as a result. One such company is River Pools and Spas, the company that inspired Marcus Sheridan to develop the methodology in the first place.

When the housing crisis hit in 2008, River Pools and Spas experienced a significant downturn in business. Marcus Sheridan, the company's owner, began researching ways to turn things around and discovered that by answering his customers' questions in an open and honest way, he could improve his online visibility and attract more leads. By implementing the 'They Ask You Answer' methodology, River Pools and Spas saw a 300% increase in sales in just four months.

Another example of a company that has successfully used the methodology for SEO growth is Yale Appliance, a family-owned appliance store in Massachusetts. They used the methodology to create a series of videos answering common questions about appliances. These videos have generated over one million views and helped Yale Appliance become one of the top appliance retailers in the country.

These examples demonstrate how the 'They Ask You Answer' methodology can be used by businesses of all sizes and in all industries to achieve significant SEO growth. By answering your customers' questions in a transparent, honest, and helpful way, you can position your business as a trusted resource and attract more leads to your website.

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How to Implement the 'They Ask You Answer' Methodology for SEO Growth


Identify the Questions Your Customers are Asking

Start by researching the questions your customers are asking online. Use tools like Google's "People Also Ask" feature, online forums, or ChatGPT to find common questions related to your industry. Also, ask your sales and customer service teams what questions they constantly get from daily conversations with prospects and current clients.

Create Content That Answers Those Questions

Use the questions you've identified as inspiration for creating blog posts, videos, or other types of content that provide helpful and informative answers. Make sure to use language that is easy to understand and avoid jargon or technical terms that your customers might not be familiar with.

Optimize Your Content for Search Engines

Make sure your content is optimized for search engines by using relevant keywords, meta descriptions, and other SEO best practices. This will help improve your chances of showing up in search results when people search for the questions you're answering.

How to Use the “They Ask You Answer” Methodology and HubSpot to Create Business Growth

How can you take this methodology to the next level and create even more business growth? The answer is by combining it with HubSpot.

HubSpot is a powerful inbound marketing and sales platform that can help you streamline your marketing efforts and attract more leads to your website. By integrating the "They Ask You Answer" methodology with HubSpot, you can create a winning strategy that will drive even more business growth.

Here's how to use the "They Ask You Answer" methodology and HubSpot to create business growth:

Create a Content Strategy

The first step is to create a content strategy that is aligned with the "They Ask You Answer" methodology. This means identifying the questions that your customers are asking and creating content that provides them with the answers they need. HubSpot's content strategy tool and HubSpot AI can help you create a plan that is tailored to your specific business goals.

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Develop a Lead Generation Plan

HubSpot's lead generation tools can help you capture leads from your website and turn them into customers. By creating content that’s tailored to your customers' needs and interests, you can attract more leads and nurture them over time.

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Utilize HubSpot's SEO Tools

HubSpot's SEO tools can help you optimize your content for search engines, making it more likely that potential customers will find your website. By incorporating the "They Ask You Answer" methodology into your SEO strategy, you can improve your chances of ranking higher in search results.

Related Guide: Using Search Engine Optimization (SEO) to Drive Quality Traffic and Grow Your Business Online

Use HubSpot's Analytics Tools

HubSpot's analytics tools can help you track the performance of your content and identify areas for improvement. By analyzing your data, you can refine your strategy and create even more effective content that resonates with your audience.

By combining the "They Ask You Answer" methodology with HubSpot, you can create a powerful strategy that will drive business growth and help you achieve your goals. Whether you're looking to attract more leads, improve your search engine rankings, or build a loyal customer base, this approach can help you get there. So why not give it a try and see what it can do for your business?

In conclusion, the "They Ask You Answer" methodology is a powerful way to improve your online visibility, attract more customers, and streamline your SEO growth. By creating content that is helpful, informative, and optimized for search engines, you can position your business as a valuable resource in your industry and transform the way you do business.

So if you want to take your content marketing and SEO strategies to the next level, consider implementing the "They Ask You Answer" methodology in your business today.

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