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Gabriel Marguglio December 5, 2014 2 min read

7 Tips About Generating Online Leads

In the world of inbound marketing, leads are a coveted commodity, the potentials that you work to convert into sales and profits. Generating leads is fairly straightforward: Brand, gain interest, engage. But how would you feel if you knew there were ways to double the amount of leads you generate, and a few tips could help you reach higher numbers of potential customers. Well here are seven tips to assist you working toward twice the amount of leads.

Fantastically appealing content. You’ll hear it mentioned again and again—content is key. There is a reason the message is redundant. Because it’s true. Always plan on stepping up your game if you want to gather more leads. The more original and irresistible your content, the better. Evaluate your target audiences and personas, and then work to create content for a variety of platforms that interests, entertains, informs, educates, helps, and fulfills the needs and desires of the consumers. To simply say your product or service is awesome, and that they should buy it, won’t suffice with today’s savvy consumer. It’s about what you can offer in addition to your superior product or service.

Create offers that are too good to pass up. There are a couple ways to go about this. First, make the deal limited, time-oriented, or a get-it-before-it’s-gone type of thing. It instills a sense of excitement (and an urge to go for it pronto). Also think about using valuable formats. This means things people find really useful—think e-books, webinars, or forms. Don’t forget to add offers to product pages, it may make all the difference.

Utilize dynamic calls-to-action in good locales. Study up on your website layout, things that exist above the fold tend to do better. Feeling inspired? Put the CTA in two places on the page. Also, try using contrast to make your calls-to-action stand out more.

Encourage social shares. Reweets, likes, follows, and pins are all your friends. Make sure that you install those badges, icons, and links wherever you are able to. Remember that many of your social media platforms will work together. Placing the links in your e-mails is beneficial too.

Land more pages. Research is showing that more landing pages generates more leads. If you have five landing pages, increase it to ten. Ten? Make it fifteen. Offer more valuable pages to potential consumers, and draw in more leads.

Better forms. If your forms are too long (or appear too long) or too confusing, then they could possibly put off your potentials. Try to create optimal forms—and lose the “submit” button while you’re at it. Instead, get the information with messages like “join”, “get your”, and “download”. When you’re taking information, soothe fears with privacy policies up front and available, and add assurances that you are using safe practices by featuring your security seals.

Use multiple platforms. If you’re relying on one avenue or channel to reach people, then start adding some more. Try e-newsletters, e-mail marketing, blogs, social media, and use SEO rich content whenever you can. With social media, don’t just rely on the common ones. Start looking at up-and-comers, and how you can use them effectively in your inbound marketing plan.

Leads are your future sales, and the more you generate, the more possibilities you have to find success for your business.

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