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Gabriel Marguglio November 28, 2014 2 min read

Make Your Google SEO Rock!

So many companies are focused on different metrics which simply don't apply anymore. One thing many smart companies have been focused in on to great success is SEO and social media. Here's how to make your SEO Rock!

What It Is

Search Engine Optimization is how people doing search find your company on the Internet. Your website may have a lot of keywords but they might not be something that people would naturally search for to find your business. If you have not worked with a company who specializes in this type of thing then the chances of your website being ideally search engine optimized is pretty low.

What It Does

You use a computer, you use a search engine, you should know how to make a website that people will find, right? Well, not always. Your website may be keyword optimized but it might not be for the right thing. For example if yours is a family electrical company; Smithers Brothers Electric; and you have a keyword strategy primed around "Smithers Brothers" -- well that's not something too many people who don't know your company are going to type into a search engine when they are in need of an electrician. Your SEO campaign needs to be primed and ready for the new customer who may be having any number of, in this case, electrical issues. Think of all of the things your business does; these are the keywords you would want to consider using.

What You Can Do 

A successful SEO campaign has got a number of different components:
•Keyword & Competitor Research
•Local Marketing
•Internal Website Optimization
•Search Engine Friendly Features
•Consistent Blog Posts
•Citation Building Campaign
•Aggressive Social Media Introduction and Upkeep

All of these things and more are what a great company can do to help you have a strong social media campaign which has continued strength over the long term. 

Google +

Another area where you need to be centering your efforts right now is Google+. You may already have Google+ for your Gmail account and not even be aware of it. A good SEO campaign will utilize the tools made available by the search engine giant to draw traffic and paying customer dollars to your website.

If you need to get the next leg up on your social media SEO strategy and you don't know where to turn, call on Nextiny Inbound Marketing!

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