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Samantha Carey February 24, 2021 3 min read

Brand Affinity Marketing: The Convergence of Passion, Your Target Audience, and What You Offer

Steve Pockross is the CEO of Verblio, a content creation marketplace that creates high-powered content that drives SEO for digital agencies and businesses, and he is back on our second season of MarTech Masters! In his free time, you can find Steve playing guitar and working on his dream of becoming a Brazilian rockstar.

Learn more about the latest marketing trends, common mistakes when writing content, and how passion is important in business.

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Name: Steve Pockross
What He Does: CEO of Verblio
Find Steve on the Web: Verblio | LinkedIn

Top Takeaways:

The Latest Trends Steve is Seeing (Regarding Marketing)

“We’re at the intersection of some really good trends which is, digital marketing is one of the only channels to get in front of your audience possible,” Steve says. “People are absorbing more content than ever, so it’s a great time to be producing content.”

“The big trends that we’re seeing is that the guys who know that they’re in it for the long haul are investing more and more in content.”

“The second big trend is, everyone knows they need to get smarter about what type of content they write. Because all of us are talking about how content is one of the most effective ways to fuel your marketing engine, there’s more and more competition out there,” Steve says. “You have to stand out more. You have to be smarter about what you write about.”

What Are Some Common Mistakes You’ve Seen (When Creating Content)?

“The three things that people are doing wrong are not looking at the questions: who’s your target audience, what can you offer them differently, and what are you passionate about?” Steve says. “And I think most of the big mistakes come from, ‘What should I be doing?’”

“Look at what’s going to make it different. What are people not talking about in that area? What’s your niche? Where do you as a company want to stand out?”

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The Verblio Show



Is Passion Important in Business?

“I think passion is important in growth businesses. I think it’s not particularly important if you’re in a stable, maintain it, just keep the lights on and you keep delivering a service, somebody else keeps buying it from you,” Steve says.

“If you want to grow, you have to do something new. And if you want to do something new, you have to be excited about it.

“Passion helps you in two ways: it helps you want to attract an audience, because people want to be with passionate people, and the second is it gives you the extra energy to drive forward, because in order to do something new, it requires a lot more energy.”

Steve’s Top Quotes:


“Because all of us are talking about how content is one of the most effective ways to fuel your marketing engine, there’s more and more competition out there. So you have to stand out more. You have to be smarter about what you write about.”


“If you want to grow, you have to do something new. And if you want to do something new, you have to be excited about it.”


“‘What are the values and purpose of your company?’ No matter what you do, your content is going to come from that, your strategy is going to come from that, and your brand is going to come from that.”


“It is the convergence of where content marketing started, which is providing quality content that people are interested in at the level that they want, at the way they want to engage with it, with strategic partnerships. 


“I think everyone has their niche audience and people will find you.”


“At The Verblio Show We try to make it our entire focus, bringing in different voices, and learning about different things, and that’s where inspiration comes from, and that’s why it’s really important to have diversity. We’re not doing this because “Wow, this is really trendy,” but because this is where diverse ideas come from.”

Learn More:

Check out these resources from the episode.


The Verblio Show

The Verblio Show with Gabriel Marguglio

Gary Vee - ‘What’s the ROI of Your Mother’

Steve’s Previous MarTech Masters Episode

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