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Gabriel Marguglio April 13, 2020 8 min read

How a Secured CMS Can Help Build Your Website for Business Growth

how a secured cms can help build your website for business growth thumbnail

Now more than ever, businesses have to rely on their websites to thrive and it’s about more than making sales online; it’s about scheduling calls, getting meetings, finding leads, directing remote experiences, and having all of your marketing and sales efforts in one safe place.

How can you do all of this? The answer is simple: find a Content Management System (CMS) that integrates with your CRM, your marketing and sales tools and even your customer service activities. 


Why We Use the HubSpot CMS


What is a Content Management System (CMS)

A Content Management System—or CMS—is a software tool that helps you manage all of your website in an easy way without the need of programming code or any website design knowledge.

A truly complete CMS—like the HubSpot CMS Hub—is a one-stop solution for managing all of your content in one streamlined place without all the hassle of using lots of disconnected tools. 


HubSpot CMS website page editing tool

The HubSpot website editing page is easy and intuitive


Why You Need a CMS

Having a powerful CMS has become an absolute necessity in digital marketing. Here are just a few reasons why it’s a sound investment for any business.

  1. Managing Your Content: The biggest benefit of using a CMS (as we’ve talked about before) is having all your content in one place and having a simple way to manage it all.
  2. Easy to Use Without Previous Programming Knowledge: No matter your skillset, most CMSs make it easy enough to get a start and make use of the tools available. Plus, it’s way easier than doing it all yourself.
  3. Collaboration: For a marketing team, using a CMS allows everyone to perform their roles and see the data they need to do their jobs efficiently.
  4. Do More With Less: Even if you don’t have a team to collaborate with, a CMS like HubSpot lets you do a lot without lots of prior knowledge or even lots of help.
  5. Analytics & Reporting: Having a centralized platform for all of your content output helps you understand how each activity is influencing the others. Create unique reports tying your email, landing page, social media, and CRM data together in one place.


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Inside HubSpot’s CMS which has the blog, landing pages, and website pages easily accessible.


The CMS Options

The marketing and business world is full of CMS systems to choose from and each offers its own selection of benefits, features, and disadvantages. These are some of the most common and most popular CMS systems available:


  • HubSpot: The all-in-one CMS+CRM solution. Customized for both marketers and developers.
  • Wordpress: The most popular CMS in the world. Basic functionality and many plugins to add features.
  • Drupal: A more technical CMS created for developers based around fields.
  • Squarespace: A quickly rising CMS that is easy to use and has many vibrant templates but lacks the deep customization of a more complex CMS.
  • Wix: Another popular and simplified CMS that’s easy to pick up and use right away but is rigid when it comes to options. A great showcase for your business but nothing more.
  • Joomla: This free CMS option that’s open-source and very developer-friendly. Unfortunately, that means it can get complicated and isn’t very friendly to newcomers.


The Power of HubSpot as a Marketing and Sales Tool

The importance of having everything in one place really becomes prominent when you use each and every one of HubSpot’s tools and see how they interact and work together seamlessly. 

When you use every aspect of the HubSpot system, you’re able to connect and track data between all of your marketing efforts from content (emails, blogging, website pages) to your ads, lead generation efforts, sales data, SEO, and more. 

If there’s something you need that’s not available on the core system, HubSpot integrates with a huge array of helpful software to help fill in the gaps.

The HubSpot CMS Hub is the only one in the world that is natively integrated into a CRM system connecting the website with Marketing, Sales and Customer Service activities and allowing businesses to make decisions with all the data in one place. 


Major Benefits and Features of the HubSpot CMS

Why do we think HubSpot is the right-choice CMS? Simply put, its features and benefits not only outweigh the costs but are so undeniably better than the competition that there’s really no better choice.



Since it contains everything you need inside, using HubSpot means you don’t have to rely on third-party plugins or resources that can compromise the security of your site. The safety of the HubSpot platform is one of the biggest reason why we choose HubSpot (watch main video above).

The HubSpot CMS Hub offers 24/7 Security monitoring & threat detection. global CDN, and SSL by default. With the HubSpot CMS Hub, you can have the peace of mind that your site is hosted on the most secure CMS available on the market today. Learn more about the HubSpot CMS Hub security.


Ease of Use

Most people think you need to choose between simple and complex but, with CMS Hub, you really can get both and dive just as deep as you want. For the inexperienced, grab a template and easily create a gorgeous website that acts as a showcase to your brand. Empower your team by giving them the ability to make the changes they need themselves right in the HubSpot editor without advanced knowledge.

For those with a developer’s mind, dig deeper into the options to customize. You really can go as deep as you’re comfortable with without having to sacrifice anything due to lack of experience or know-how. HubSpot offers the ability to custom-code templates (both for web pages and emails) using the design manager tool.

Even if you’ve already built your site in another platform, HubSpot makes it easy to migrate your site so you can take advantage of its features without having to build something from scratch.


Coffee Talks: Why We Use the HubSpot CMS Hub for our Websites (discussion)

Check out every episode of our inbound marketing video series, Coffee Talks!


SEO and Performance

One reason HubSpot’s platform is so valuable to marketers and businesses is that it dives deeper into what makes a website great. It can look pretty and have all the buttons you need but not all that glitters is gold; if it doesn’t run smoothly and quickly, the shiny exterior is for naught.

HubSpot’s SEO topics tool is an easy way to manage your pillar pages and the surrounding content that links to it. Easily see which content is linked, which isn’t, and add any blogs that match the topic, all from one screen.


HubSpot SEO topic cluster video marketing

A successful topic cluster in HubSpot’s SEO tool


The SEO tool provides plenty of tips and checklists of the crucial steps you need to fully optimize your pages and make sure it’s fast, efficient, and SEO friendly. It’s a very user-friendly way to help with something that can be complicated to those not immersed in it every day. The SEO tool makes it easy to find the problems and the solutions inside your website.


Responsive Websites

One of the most important parts of building your website is having a responsive design so that it looks as good as possible and functions well on all devices. Nearly 52% of users look at sites on their phone. So, if your site doesn’t work, those are all people who will find a different site.

HubSpot’s template layouts are built using a 12 column responsive-grid system that allows for the site’s design to be responsive across varying screen sizes. 


HubSpot responsive websites

Use HubSpot to build responsive websites that adapt to different screen sizes



HubSpot you have to pay for, but there are hidden costs for tools that provide the services already inside the HubSpot platform. Plugins like WPForms to add forms to your site (up to $300), Monster Insights to integrate with Google Analytics (up to $400), and Yoast SEO to even get close to the SEO tools HubSpot already has (up to $600).

In the long run, these costs add up. When you pay for HubSpot, you get everything that comes with it: the incredible features, the endless integrations, and the customer service that’s unparalleled in the industry. 


HubSpot website examples

HubSpot's array of tools and features helps you make a beautiful, customized, website


Growth-Driven Design

With a website focused on growth-driven design, you can be constantly updating and shaping your site to meet demand and fit ever-changing needs. Rather than pay up front for one massive overhaul with design decisions based on only assumptions, we take a steadier approach by building a site and continuing to service it over a period of time. 

HubSpot CMS growth-driven design graph

Growth-driven design means consistently updating your site to build momentum and keep it over time


This allows us to jump back in and improve the site based on actual data gathered from the users and how they interact with the site. We can improve the conversion path, make the site more user friendly, and update the content based on what works and what doesn’t. 

We chose the HubSpot CMS because it delivers on its promises and provides every tool we need to bring digital marketing success to us and our customers. The best part about working with the Hubspot CMS is that it’s a constantly evolving platform that doesn’t rest on its laurels but is constantly looking toward the future.

For a CMS that does it all and does it well, there’s no better choice than HubSpot.

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