If you are looking to add more personalization to your online marketing and sales strategy as you prepare for 2019, please join us for a free workshop on November 29, 2018. We will cover the concept of conversational marketing using a chat strategy with HubSpot expert, Brian Bagdasarian. At INBOUND 18, HubSpot recently announced the HubSpot Conversations tool, a feature that combines chatbots and a live chat experience. With the help of Bagdasarian, we will discuss how you can implement the HubSpot Conversations tool, optimize for user experience, and measure success. With recent changes to the HubSpot platform, more businesses have an opportunity to get started with HubSpot and conversational marketing. For more information about our workshop or to register, click here.
Prepare Your Marketing Strategy for 2019
Gabriel Marguglio
March 8, 2016
min read
Stories are Fundamental For Your Content Marketing Strategy Success
People like good stories; otherwise, novels, movies, and TV shows wouldn't have endured through time. This is because humans ...
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Gabriel Marguglio
March 16, 2018
min read
Optimizing Your Inbound Marketing Strategy in 2018
Inbound Marketing has transformed the world of marketing and has no intention of slowing down or looking back. By concentrating ...
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Gabriel Marguglio
August 20, 2015
min read
How Marketing Can Prove Their Worth to Sales
The sales-marketing paradigm has evolved in the Internet age to encompass content creation while moving away from interruptive ...
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