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Why is Blogging Still Important for Content and Inbound Marketing

Written by Gabriel Marguglio | June 21, 2016

You've heard it before, blogs are an important part of inbound marketing. While you can certainly get by without one, a quality blog can dramatically increase brand visibility, audience engagement and can help build trust and authority.

 Related Blog: How to Use Video to Generate Leads Through Inbound Marketing

Attention Is The New Currency

Gaining attention and keeping it is a challenge today, but it's not impossible. People today have more vying for their attention than ever before. The internet, social media and apps have given them options that they have never had, and while it is crowded out there, it also means there are more opportunities and avenues for you to earn their attention and trust.
Social media sites such as Twitter, Snapchat, Tumblr and Instagram offer bite-size information that can be easily scanned and absorbed. While these sites offer plenty of opportunity for you to connect with your audience, they don't necessarily help with SEO, which is still very important.

What About Video?

Video is yet another useful tool in your inbound marketing strategy. People are drawn to video, and you should absolutely be using it. However, video in itself doesn't help your SEO.

It's true, YouTube is one of the world's biggest search engines, but you still need text to be found by Google. This is because Google can't index anything other than text. Blogging, however, is an effective way to ensure that your content is found, and can help your company rank better and gain more visibility.
When you post informative content that provides value and solutions in an SEO-friendly manner, you are helping Google find you. This means you are helping your target audience find you. Blogging, in addition to social media and video helps you create a well-rounded inbound marketing strategy that works. One great resource for video is Wistia. This video hosting company helps you provide high quality video for your visitors in addition to tracking success through available analytics.

Video And SEO

When it comes to video, always be sure that you give a thorough description of your content, complete with keywords and tags, this ensures that Google can properly index your video and allow it to be visible in searches.

Share your videos on your blog and social media sites, along with your blog posts. Be sure that you have links to all your channels on your blog and website. These actions help your Google rankings and increase your chances of winning the attention of your audience. Again, turning to Wistia is a very attainable way to ensure video SEO success. They have the proper tools and support team in place to help your make sure your videos are fully optimized for SEO so your content will not go unnoticed by Google.