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Gabriel Marguglio June 16, 2016 1 min read

4 Tips for SEO Blogging to Leave Your Competition in the Dust

blog tips

Blogging is the most important thing you can do to get people to visit your site and keep coming back for more. Here’s the thing though. You can’t just slap any old content on your website and expect readers to flood in. Today’s blogging is all about using smart SEO strategies to help attract and engage site visitors.

Related Blog: Tips for Marketing Managers: Why We Love Blogging and You Should Too

1. Strive for inbound link love 

Inbound links can give your blog validity, improve rankings and drive more traffic to your site. Blogging consistently, writing guest posts, creating infographics, creating free tools and other white hat tactics work best to get quality inbound links to your blog. While these are not the easiest methods, they are certainly worth the hassle in the end.

2. Just say “no” to keyword stuffing

Blogging should not be about shoving as many keywords in the content as possible. Keyword stuffing makes blog posts sound choppy and unnatural. In addition, stuffed content will cause Google to slap your blog’s page rank so far down that there will be no chance anyone will ever find it.

3. Write kick-butt content

 It’s not only about keywords and links. The quality of your content matters too. People who visit your blog expect and deserve to experience content that's well written and valuable. If people manage to find your blog via an organic search, they will take one look at the sloppy content and click the other way. Once they leave, they probably won’t come back.

4. Get social 

People today like to feel connected to the bloggers behind the blogs they love to read. For this reason, being active on social media can improve your blog’s rankings and help boost the number of visitors who frequent your site.

When you get quality inbound links, avoid keyword stuffing, write exceptional content and use social media, you can dominate organic search results and leave your competitors choking on your dust.


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