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Gabriel Marguglio July 9, 2014 1 min read

Inbound Marketing With and Without HubSpot


Customers of inbound marketing agencies often wonder whether the expense of HubSpot is validated by the results HubSpot produces. The short answer is absolutely, since HubSpot was created specifically for the purpose of inbound marketing. Before HubSpot, marketers were using their own mix of various programs to set up and track your marketing results, often with varying levels of success after unnecessary hours of working between the programs. HubSpot solved that problem by integrating the various programs together into one system that can accomplish your inbound marketing needs.

Of course your own company blog using whatever platform you’ve decided on is going to generate traffic and bring potential customers to your site. That is, assuming you’ve taken the time to setup properly written posts on relevant topics that utilize effective keyword and tag usage while being linked appropriately with other articles and sites to generate high ranking results with search engines. Then you have use other software to monitor the results, read and hire someone to monitor the results, and keep track of changing industry standards in order to constantly update your site, keeping it fresh and continuing to draw in potential new customers.

HubSpot can take care of much of this for you. As a well known site it can produce higher ranking search results for a wider variety of articles your customers may be interested in. Its polls and article comments allow you to see who is reading the articles and make more informed choices as to how and where to place your advertisements. It can further provide consolidated results allowing you to track what seems to appeal to your customer and convince them to review your company as a potential supplier. So overall, the price of using HubSpot for your inbound marketing needs is well worth the proven results it provides. It can and does save on the time and labor expenses of trying to do the same thing using other platforms and marketing systems. For even more information on why Hubspot will benefit your site, check this article out.

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