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Gabriel Marguglio October 16, 2014 1 min read

Social Media Etiquette

Social media can be a great way to increase exposure, improve brand awareness, and enhance the perception of your company for very little expense. However, it can also have entirely the opposite effect if you are unaware of proper social media etiquette. This quick guide will help you avoid mistakes that could otherwise ruin your business image, lose you potential customers, and waste your time.


Facebook is a great medium for interacting with users. To show prospects that you care about their opinions, always respond to their comments, even negative ones. In addition, it is essential to avoid spam on Facebook, which can occur if you use too many hashtags in your posts or post too frequently. You should try to post around one piece of interesting content every day to remind fans that you have something great to offer them.


On Twitter, you have no option other than to keep messages short as you are limited to 140 characters. Use your tweets both to talk about your business and to show a personal side to your brand. Like Facebook, remember to answer all the comments your followers send you through Twitter, and try to respond in a timely fashion to emphasize that your customers are important to you.


LinkedIn is the most professional of all the social media sites; therefore, unlike the above, you should only post about business and industry-related topics. Make sure you fill out your profile completely and connect with other people to create the image that you have a well-known and successful business. Lastly, join relevant LinkedIn groups and be active: they are a great way to meet other professionals.


To get the most out of Pinterest, you should post a large amount of content, including all your videos, blog posts, and images, and make it searchable. Keep your followers interested by sharing other’s content, too. Be sure to post content gradually, though, as a sudden influx of content in your followers’ news feed is a surefire way to diminish your popularity.
Follow these rules of etiquette whenever you use social media sites and your Internet marketing campaign will be off to a flying start.

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