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Tips for Marketing Managers: Why We Love Blogging and You Should Too

Written by Gabriel Marguglio | February 12, 2015

Blogging is a fundamental component of every business’s website. If your business’s website blog is not updated on a regular basis, then you are losing an enormous opportunity to boost your company’s online presence as well your digital reach.

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Content is King

There is no better way to stand out from the crowd than by actively adding unique, relevant, and top-notch content to your website’s blog on a regular basis. Not only do readers love great content, but so does Google. The more often you create quality content, the more the search engines will index your content, and keep coming back for more.

Just as important as your content is the title. A captivating, keyword heavy title will attract your readers attention, providing a glimpse of what the blog entry is about. Because of this, you should utilize the 50/50 rule: Spend half of your time on the content and half on the title.

In order to stand out among your competitors, create content that stirs up discussion and communities that breed new ideas.

Blogs Are a Key Player in SEO

Avid blogging is an ideal solution to increasing your business’s presence online. One of the solutions is search engine optimization (SEO). Few people know why having a blog on your website is paramount for SEO. To simplify blogging for SEO, create a master list of topics and keywords relevant to your business that you would like your website to rank for.

Additionally, getting inbound links to your website will enhance social networking on sites such as Facebook and Twitter. This increases the number of people who read your articles as well as getting your business discovered via the social media platforms. Search engines such as Google and Yahoo use this to rank and keep track of your site.

Blogging Helps Build Customer Relations

Blogging is the fastest and easiest way to build a strong customer base when it comes to online marketing. Often, your readers will most probably be your clients. In other words, if you have not done an excellent job to build your brand and authority in your content, people will not purchase from your company regardless of how grand your offer is.

Additionally, through blogging your customers or readers can respond to your posts by engaging with you online, asking questions and posting reactions. However, if your posts are published say once, in a month, your readers will be less engaged.

Blogging Converts Traffic into Leads

Now that you have those evergreen blog posts that bring in traffic like crazy, you want to turn the traffic into sales. Well, this works really straightforward. All you have to do is create call-to-actions (CTAs), landing pages or lead generation forms.

The goal and intention of creating CTAs is to assemble need-to-know contact information from leads visiting your site with the definitive aim of transforming the leads into sales. These leads include eBooks, brochures, product demos, etc. By offering these items in exchange for their contact information, you are guaranteed to boost your online conversion rate.

Blogging Drives Long-Term Results

Now that you have all the traffic on your site this means that for days, weeks and months to come, you will continue to get leads if you follow the above tips.