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Gabriel Marguglio July 19, 2017 3 min read

5 Ways You Can Get Your Co-Workers To Start Using Video for Marketing and Sales

We are halfway through 2017, and if you haven’t figured it out yet, Nextiny loves video! Every day I get to come to work and be a part of creative conversations and strategy meetings, that often relate to how we can utilize video more. Creating video beats writing blogs, making sales calls, or answering emails; it’s an engaging and exciting process that leaves us all wondering, “Why haven’t we been doing this all along!?”

After seeing the level of success we’ve generated from creating videos for ourselves and clients, all we’ve wanted to do is get the word out that marketing and sales videos are extremely effective. The thing is, companies know that video works, but they haven’t seen success internally yet because they aren’t using it themselves. Some of the concerns that companies have brought up about implementing video into their marketing and sales strategies dealt more with where to start, rather than whether to start. 

Related Blog: Proof That You Don’t Have to be a Professional Videographer for Successful Video Marketing

So, how can you get your marketing and sales teams to start using video? Here are 5 ways to help integrate video into your inbound marketing and inbound sales strategies:

1. Be the Example!

Be the one to set an example of how video can work for your business. Reading statistics about increased conversions due to implementing video is a great place to start, but what’s better than having internal evidence that video is working for you and your business? You can talk all day about how video worked for company A and Industry B, but evidence that it's working with your leads in your industry, is often enough to jumpstart an organization’s video strategy. Go create video content that gets your ideal audience engaged!

PRO TIP: Install Wistia for free to track results on these initial videos



2. Keep it Simple

Nobody jumps into video creation right away and is instantly a Spielberg professional. So, don't worry! Think about what the goal of your video is and create a simple strategy to execute that goal. Your first video objective can be simple, like, “Get a customer to leave a positive review on our website.” That goal is certainly achievable and there are a number of creative ways to implement a video strategy to reach that goal. After you accomplish a few goals like this, you can become more ambitious with your objectives, and soon, video will become a major function within your ongoing marketing and sales processes.

PRO TIP: Each video MUST have only one goal

3. “Find Your Craziest Salesperson”

At our last video marketing workshop, guest speaker, Margot da Cunha, from Wistia, talked about what it takes to create a culture of video in organizations. Her suggestion for starting was to find the craziest salesperson in your company and collaborate with them to create a video for a lead or an existing customer. Once the rest of the sales team starts seeing the results from that salesperson’s efforts, it won’t be long before the rest of the sales team starts creating videos for their leads. Success is contagious!

PRO TIP: Help your salesperson track results through HubSpot and Wistia and connect the dots on better lead conversions and closed customers through the use of video 


4. Don’t Feel Limited by Your Equipment

Implementing a video strategy into your marketing and sales process can seem overwhelming, but there are so many options today for those without experience to create excellent video. Here’s a list of tools to help you get started:

  • iPhone/Android Camera
  • MacBook, Windows, Tablet Cameras
  • iMovie/Windows Movie Maker
  • Wistia/YouTube/Vimeo Hosting Platforms
  • iPhone Voice Memo feature for Backup Audio
  • Soapbox (Wistia)

PRO TIP: Shooting Video With an iPhone

If you’re looking to invest a little bit into some quality do-it-yourself equipment, Wistia offers excellent tips on how you can get started!

5. Use Video to Help Co-Workers!

Feeling camera shy? Don’t worry, most of us feel that way at first! The more videos you create, the more natural it becomes. Sending videos to your leads can initially make you feel overly exposed; try starting by creating an internal video process. Have co-workers use tools, like Wistia’s Soapbox Chrome extension, to direct co-workers through specific tasks, walk them through a presentation on your latest sales report, or just drop in to show them support for all of their hard work. Creating an internal video process will make people feel a lot more comfortable once they start using video to engage with your ideal audience!

PRO TIP: How to Look Good on a Webcam

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