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Gabriel Marguglio May 3, 2016 2 min read

Why User Experience (UX) Matters and How Growth Driven Design Can Help

User Experience and Growth Driven Design
Growth-driven design has become the latest trend among web developers. It's based on improving user experience, which boosts return visits, engagement and leads. This new wave is a result of website owners and marketers searching for a solution for their frustration over lack of results after costly work. Instead of letting a site wither after its launch, growth-driven design seeks to constantly update a site to accommodate buyer behavior. The main keys to enhancing user experience through this process are testing, updating and maintenance.

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Measuring user behavior is a major foundation to growth-driven design. Experimenting with new ideas then analyzing user metrics is the path toward finding out what your users really want from your site. These ideas can be applied to all facets of design and content then monitored using A/B testing, which compares visitor reactions of old and new variables. Testing can be done with various tools such as Heat Maps, which are software programs that monitor how visitors explore web pages. It can tell you which areas of your site attract attention and which areas are ignored. The more you learn about user behavior, the more it will help you refine your design, applications and content for best results.


In order for a site to be competitive it must constantly evolve. If you don't keep adding new content or interesting sales funnel components, people won't be that curious to keep coming back. When you base design and content decisions on buyer observations, you accelerate toward your goal of increased conversions. This approach is more productive and less risky than traditional web design, which usually meant building a site once based on assumptions, forgetting about updates and hoping that would be sufficient. Conversion rate optimization (CRO) requires you to constantly monitor user activity and make adjustments that enhance user experience.


The strategy of only updating your site every two to five years is a recipe for failure. Constant site maintenance is a requirement in order to achieve the success you are looking for. That means you need to always be aware of when content falls out of date, when links no longer work or when users lose interest in certain elements of your site. Staying on top of what your target audience expects and what your competitors are doing are essential to holding people's attention. Remember that your site is the ultimate hub of all your online activities.

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