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Gabriel Marguglio March 1, 2018 2 min read

Looking for an Inbound Marketing Agency? Why You May Not Want to Work With us

Here at Nextiny Marketing we view our clients as partners. It is pivotal to both our success and yours that we are ideal partners. Below are some of the reasons why you may not be a good fit to work with our agency.


Related Blog: How Long Will it Take to See Results from Inbound Marketing?


1. You don’t believe in Marketing and Sales working together toward the same goal.

If you believe that sales and marketing are constantly battling each other, then you may be unfamiliar with how inbound sales and inbound marketing depend on each other. At Nextiny we are both inbound marketing and inbound sales experts. We’ll work with your sales team to ensure the delivery of high quality leads by the marketing team and the appropriate lead nurturing by salespeople. Working together with the same goals we can achieve so much more. 

2. You’re resistant to new technologies and the Inbound Marketing Methodology.

If you are looking for a traditional outbound marketing agency, that is not us.  We work to help qualified leads find your company online and we nurture them so they keep coming back to you. 

3. You don’t want to use HubSpot because it is too expensive.  

HubSpot is the number one tool for online marketing and the world’s leading inbound marketing and sales platform. We are proud HubSpot Diamond agency partners. If you are against using HubSpot, we are probably not a great fit for you. The value of HubSpot exceeds its cost when you do inbound the right way.


4. You have a negative view of marketing agencies based on what they used to be.

We understand that traditional marketing agencies promised a lot, but often fell short when it was time to prove return on investment. We are part of the new breed of marketing agencies - accountable from the beginning to end of the sales cycle. 


5. Your leadership team is not on board with your marketing and sales strategy.

If your company is in the middle of a transitionary period, taking on a partnership with another company can be difficult, if not impossible. If family members or business partners have conflicting views of your marketing and sales goals -- or if you’re trying to convince someone within your company that inbound marketing is important -- then this might not be a good fit. It is best to wait until everything is resolved and on the right track to truly form a successful partnership. At Nextiny we value our partnerships with our clients and are careful during our client acquisition process to ensure we are creating the best possible partnerships for both parties.


6. You think that we need to have something to lose in order to generate success for you.

Integrity and drive are part of our company’s culture and already well established in everything we do. We have a team comprised of intrinsically motivated employees who will always go the extra mile. Therefore offering incentives is never something our partners have to be concerned with. In the initial stages we set up marketing and sales goals in order to track progress and continue driving success.


If you feel the same way about these things, have struggled with these same kinds of issues in the past, and have recognized that these points are aligned with your views, contact us to schedule a meeting.


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